Solar Energy Advances: New Highlights
The Editor-in Chief of Solar Energy Advances, Prof. Dionysia Kolokotsa, would like to highlight two recent articles of the journal that she believes…
October Webinar: IEA SHC Solar Academy on Task 65
In October, ISES is happy to once again host the IEA SHC Solar Academy series - this month on Task 65 on Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions.
Orbituary for Mick Hutchins (1949 - 2022)
Mick was born in Highbury, London, on 18th May 1949. After Highbury Grammar School, Mick chose to study Physics and spent 5 happy years at Nottingham…
ISES Monthly Newsletter – July 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
August Webinar IEA PVPS Task 16 - Firm PV Power
In August, ISES is happy to host a webinar on the IEA PVPS Task 16 - Firm PV Power. The webinar will take place on 16 August at 1 PM GMT/UTC. In this…
ISES Monthly Newsletter – June 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
SEJ Impact Factor Rises to 7.188
ISES is proud to announce the Solar Energy Journal Impact Factor has increased to 7.188 - a great success of the editorial team led by Editor-in-…
SWC 2021 Proceedings Available Now!
The congress proceedings of SWC 2021 - the first ever fully virtual ISES Solar World Congress are now available online.
SWC 2021 took place from 25-…
Newest ISES Gold Member
Mr. Heinrich Morf
Mr. Morf is an ISES member since 1 July 2008.
Thank you Mr. Morf for your long time commitment and dedication to ISES.…
RENAlliance Side Event at Bonn Climate Change Conference - Recording Available on YouTube
Together with our partners from the RENAlliance, ISES participated in an side event at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference and the recording of…
ISES Monthly Newsletter – May 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
June Webinars with IEA SHC Solar Academy
In June, ISES is happy to once again host the IEA SHC Solar Academy series - this month on the topic of Solar Heating and Cooling Markets and…
EuroSun 2022: Student Opportunities - Master’s Course, Free Registrations and More
Student Opportunities at EuroSun 2022: Master’s Course in Solar Energy, Free Registrations and Special Events for Students!
At EuroSun 2022, it…
Newest ISES Gold Member
Prof. Robert Hastings
Architect / Firm Owner, Dipl. Architect SIA, University Prof., Switzerland
Prof. Hastings is an ISES member since 1 May 1990.…
ISES Monthly Newsletter - April 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
Join ISES at Intersolar 2022
Join ISES at Intersolar Europe 2022 from 11-13 May 2022 in Munich, Germany!
As a proud supporter of the Intersolar since 2000, the ISES Team is happy…
Masters Course in Solar Energy - Applications Open!
Masters Course in Solar Energy at EuroSun 2022
As a special offer to our young conference attendees, the organizers of EuroSun 2022 are pleased to…
ISES Monthly Newsletter - February 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
War and Peace. And Renewables
Editorial by Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen, ISES President
It is war. In the middle of Europe. A large country has invaded its neighbour based on shameful…
Newest ISES Gold Member
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahoo
Senior Lecturer, University of Botswana, Botswana.
Dr. Sahoo is an ISES member since 1 July 2007.
Thank you Dr. Sahoo for…
Monthly Webinar - March 2022
On March 22 and 24, we welcome you to join ISES for a webinar on the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) organized by the IEA SHC Solar Academy…
Successful AgriPV Webinar by ISES and GSC
On February 10, ISES supported by the GSC welcomed 420+ attendees to the society's first webinar for 2022 - an introduction to AgriPV.
Below, please…
EuroSun 2022 - Final Deadline for Abstract Submissions
The International Solar Energy Society and the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming…
ISES Monthly Newsletter - January 2022
The monthly ISES newsletter is out!
Every month, ISES publishes our newsletter, bringing to you news and insights into the work of the International…
Join the Committee for the ISES Solar Energy Museum
On the occasion of SWC50 - a special ISES SWC in December 2020 to celebreate 50 years since the first ever international ISES Solar World Congress in…
Call for Nominations - Karl W. Böer Award 2022
The Call for Nominations for the Karl W. Böer Award 2022 is now open!
The Karl W. Böer Solar Energy Medals are awarded every two years for pioneering…
Newest ISES Gold Member
Engr. Uzochukwu Mbamalu
Mr. Mbamalu, Coldbox Store, Nigeria.
Mr. Mbamalu is an ISES member since 1 January 2022.
He is CEO at Coldbox Store from…
Newest ISES Gold Member
Dr. K. Srinivas Reddy
Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Heat Transfer and Thermal Power Laboratory, India.
Dr. Reddy is an…