EuroSun 2022: Student Opportunities - Master’s Course, Free Registrations and More
Student Opportunities at EuroSun 2022: Master’s Course in Solar Energy, Free Registrations and Special Events for Students!
At EuroSun 2022, it is especially important to the organizers to support and encourage students and young researchers.
International conferences such as EuroSun 2022 are important opportunities for students and young researchers to take their first steps into the solar research community, build networks and most importantly, to learn from the experts in the field.
EuroSun 2022 is happy to announce the following offers exclusively for students and young researchers:

Master’s Course in Solar Energy
The twelfth Master’s Course in Solar Energy, organized by ISES President Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen (University of Kassel), is a special offer to young conference attendees. In addition to attending the EuroSun 2022, this course will be a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in solar energy, connect to the global ISES and IEA SHC solar community and build professional networks.
The Course is open to students currently enrolled in a Master's Degree Programme who have completed a B.Sc. degree. Applicants should have a good knowledge of solar energy, solar buildings and/or related topics. The number of students is limited to 20 and students are required to join ISES as a Student Member before the start of the Course or already be an ISES Student Member. Students need to attend the conference on-site and will be offered free registration and accommodation.
The workload is 90 hours, which corresponds to 3 ECTS points. Students will be awarded a certificate for having completed a 3 ECTS credit course at the University of Kassel but the recognition of the course at their home university is the student's sole responsibility.
How to apply: Students must complete the application form on the Master’s Course homepage by 15 June 2022 to apply. Only applications submitted online can be considered.

Free Conference Registration, Accommodation Support and Travel Support for Students
Through the support of our sponsors, we are especially pleased to offer 80 free registrations for students to attend the conference! This offer will help students to lay the important foundations for their future careers and make relevant connections while attending a high-level international scientific conference. Students must be enrolled in a Bachelor or Master Degree Program from an accredited university and be a Student Member of ISES to apply.
Accommodation is not included, but we are happy to offer a platform to help connect accepted student participants with local students in Kassel willing to host them for free, but we cannot guarantee spaces for all students.
For international students who do not study in Germany and who are accepted for a free conference registration, we are also happy to offer additional travel support of 50 €.
How to apply: Students must complete the online application form by 01 July 2022 to apply. Only applications submitted online can be considered.
Students that have submitted abstracts to the EuroSun 2022 or are co-authors of abstracts and/or papers, are not eligible to apply for the free student registration.
For those who are not accepted for one of the limited free registrations, paid student registration at discount rates will be available as well during the regular conference registration process.
Young ISES Events including Young ISES Party and Solar Speed Dating
During the EuroSun 2022 a range of on-site events will be offered exclusively to participating students and young researchers.
This includes a Young ISES party, workshops including a workshop on how to get published together with Elsevier and editors of ISES journals, and a Solar Speed Dating Session, an excellent new session type introduced at the ISES Solar World Congress 2019.
During the Speed Dating Session, students and young scientists/professionals will have the opportunity to discuss technology and business developments in different fields with leading international experts in small groups. There will be no prepared program, you can discuss any topic and ask any questions you ever wanted with an international expert. After 20 - 30 minutes you will move to another table, another subject, another group, another expert.
These events are exclusive to participants of the EuroSun 2022. More information will be published on the conference homepage over the coming weeks.