Launch Event: ISES Online Solar Energy Museum
On March 19 at 1 PM GMT/UTC, join ISES as we launch the ISES Online Solar Energy Museum: a virtual museum covering 60+ years of solar and ISES history.
The museum provides a permanent online location that documents the research, development and use of solar energy as well as other renewable energy technologies and highlights current and forward-looking topics. The concept of the museum was initially proposed as part of 2020 SWC50 which celebrated 50 years since the first international ISES Solar World Congress was held in Melbourne Australia.
The agenda for the launch is:
1. Welcome and Introduction - Geoff Stapleton (Chair of Museum Committee)
2. History of ISES/Solar - Larry Kazmerski (Emeritus Research Staff Member of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
3. Development of ISES Online Museum of Solar Energy - Paulette Middleton (Committee Member)
4. Launch and showing of ISES Online Museum of Solar Energy - Geoff Stapleton.
5. Discussion on what future developments are planned for the museum and how you can become a supporter or friend of the museum and/or contribute to the museum by submitting material - Geoff Stapleton
Learn more about the event and speakers and register here.