ISES Online Solar Energy Museum Launch Event
This webinar will launch the International Solar Energy Society’s (ISES) Online Museum of Solar Energy Museum. The museum provides a permanent online location that documents the research, development and use of solar energy as well as other renewable energy technologies and highlights current and forward-looking topics. The concept of the museum was initially proposed as part of the 2020 SWC50 which celebrated 50 years since the first international ISES Solar World Congress was held in Melbourne, Australia.
The agenda for the launch is:
1. Welcome and Introduction - Geoff Stapleton (Chair of Museum Committee)
2. History of ISES/Solar - Larry Kazmerski (Emeritus Research Staff Member of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
3. Development of ISES Online Museum of Solar Energy - Paulette Middleton (Committee Member)
4. Launch and showing of ISES Online Museum of Solar Energy - Geoff Stapleton
5. Discussion on what future developments are planned for the museum and how you can become a supporter or friend of the museum and/or contribute to the museum by submitting material - Geoff Stapleton
Geoff Stapleton

Geoff Stapleton specialized in solar (PV) energy in the final year of his electrical engineering degree in 1981. He has worked in the solar industry since 1987. In 1998 he was one of the co-founders of Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd (GSES). GSES is a multi-disciplinary organization specializing in professional engineering and training services across the Renewable Energies sector. In 2010 through funding from REEEP, GSES acted as project manager and helped the industry in the Pacific create their own industry association known as Sustainable Energy Industry Association of Pacific Islands (SEIAPI).
Geoff has been a member of the Board of Directors of ISES for many years and leads the committee responsible for the ISES Online Solar Energy Museum.
Paulette Middleton

Paulette is a strong advocate for the rapid transformation of the global energy system to renewable energy for all, used wisely and efficiently. Working closely with ISES is an excellent way to contribute to the transformation. During her 40-year career as an atmospheric chemist specializing in assessments that bring science to support appropriate decision-making related to energy and the environment, Paulette has come to deeply appreciate the need for this transformation. Paulette strives to effectively use my expertise in research/analyses, program development, and communications/marketing, along with my commitment to collaborative problem solving, to advance ISES’ work. Her professional experience includes leadership positions at the University of Texas (PhD Chemistry 1973), the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center at the State University of New York at Albany, Science & Policy Associates, Inc., and RAND. Ongoing activities include Global Emissions IniAtive (GEIA) coordinator since 1991 and science-based environment/energy advisor to a wide variety of public and private, and stakeholder consortium clients since 2002 through her company Panorama Pathways. Paulette is a previous ISES Board Member, as well as past Co-Chair of the American Solar Energy Society Board of Directors (the USA Section of ISES).
Larry Kazmerski

Lawrence L. Kazmerski, Ph.D., is a member of the Materials Design Group in RASEI and Emeritus Member of Research Staff of NREL. His career spans 50 years of R&D and technical leadership in solar and photovoltaic technology. His current research focuses on PV reliability issues. This includes research on soiling problems for PV systems, with programs supported in Brazil and India. He works to support research on inverse design projects in the University of Colorado Boulder Materials Design Group. Kazmerski was founding Director the National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV) at NREL, and his career includes 38 years at the Laboratory. Kazmerski is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Foreign Member of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the IEEE, APS, AVS, and ASES. He has visiting faculty appointments at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Geras, Brazil and IIT-Bombay, India.