Transforming the Air, Sea, and Land Freight Transport Sector - SWC50 Webinar
On August 12 at 1PM GMT/UTC, ISES continues its year-long SWC50 – The Century of Solar virtual celebration with a special webinar focused on “Transforming the Air, Sea, and Land Freight Transport Sector”.
In 1970 solar research pioneers met at the first International Solar Energy Society (ISES) Conference in Melbourne Australia. In 2020, ISES began SWC50 with a two-day looking back – looking forward virtual conference held on 3-4 December. Along with the Conference, ISES launched the ISES SWC50 Century of Solar Stories and Vision booklet and opened the ISES SWC50 Century of Solar Museum. The SWC50 conference, booklet and museum all focus on the energy transformation that has occurred in the past 50 years and what is required as the world moves towards 100% renewable energy. This webinar continues the looking forward theme and focuses on innovations in the transport industry. For over 60 years, members of ISES have undertaken technical research, product development and advocacy for the growth of solar and renewable energy technologies. SWC50 celebrates what has been achieved over the 50 years since this first international conference, and a discussion of what must happen over the next 50 years, with particular emphasis on the next 10 years. Through the conference, booklet, museum and special SWC50 webinars, ISES aims to provide resources to help everyone accelerate the transformation to a 100% renewable energy world.
This webinar will welcome the following presentations:
- Paulette Middleton (ISES/ASES): SWC50 Introducer
- Hannah Murdock (REN21): Moderator + Global Status of Renewables in Transport
- Tony Wood (Grattan Institute): Towards net zero: Practical policies to reduce road transport emissions
- Remo Schäppi (ETH Zürich): Solar Fuel Production From Ambient Air in a Modular Solar Concentrator-Reactor System
- Gavin Allwright (International Windship Association, IWSA): Wind Powering Decarbonisation in Shipping
The webinar will last 90 minutes including a dedicated Q/A session for the audience to ask questions. A recording of the webinar as well as the presentations given by the panellists will be made available online.
Gavin Allwright

Gavin Allwright is the Secretary General of the International Windship Association (IWSA), a not-for-profit organisation promoting wind propulsion solutions in commercial shipping. He currently also sits on the IMO MTCC network stakeholder advisory committee, is a non-executive board member for the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), a work package leader on the EU Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion project and an advisor for other decarbonisation and wind propulsion research projects. With a Masters degree in Sustainable Development, specialising in sustainable shipping, he is a regular guest lecturer at the World Maritime University and has also contributed to a number of shipping decarbonisation publications for the EU, IRENA, IPCC etc.
Paulette Middleton

Paulette is a strong advocate for the rapid transformation of the global energy system to renewable energy for all, used wisely and efficiently. Working closely with ISES is an excellent way to contribute to the transformation. During her 40-year career as an atmospheric chemist specializing in assessments that bring science to support appropriate decision making related to energy and the environment, Paulette has come to deeply appreciate the need for this transformation. Paulette strives to effectively use my expertise in research/analyses, program development, and communications/marketing, along with my commitment to collaborative problem solving, to advance ISES’ work. Her professional experience includes leadership positions at University of Texas (PhD Chemistry 1973), National Center for Atmospheric Research, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center at the State University of New York at Albany, Science & Policy Associates, Inc., and RAND. Ongoing activities include Global Emissions IniAtive (GEIA) coordinator since 1991 and science-based environment/energy advisor to a wide variety of public and private, and stakeholder consortium clients since 2002 through her company Panorama Pathways. In addition to being ISES Board Member, Paulette also is past Co-Chair of American Solar Energy Society Board of Directors (the USA Section of ISES).
Hannah Murdock

Hannah E. Murdock directs research on policy and on transport as part of the Research Direction Team at REN21, based at the UN Environment Programme in Paris. She is Lead Author and Coordinator of REN21’s flagship report – the Renewables Global Status Report – and Coordinator of REN21 activities in the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia, as well as other transport projects such as the recently released Renewable Energy Pathways for Road Transport report jointly produced with the FIA Foundation.In her decade of experience in the energy sector, she has held various research roles working within NGOs, international organisations, academia, and consulting. She holds master’s degrees in International Energy Policy from the Paris School of International Affairs and in Public Administration from the University of North Texas.
Remo Schäppi

Remo Schäppi is a doctoral student at the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers at ETH Zürich. He holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from ETH Zürich. His research focusses on the production of solar fuels and the demonstration of the entire production chain from sunlight and air to liquid hydrocarbons. In his presentation titled "Solar Fuel Production From Ambient Air in a Modular Solar Concentrator-Reactor System", Remo will report on a experimental pilot demonstration of a modular solar concentrator-reactor system for the production of CO2-neutral liquid hydrocarbon fuels, such as methanol and jet fuel, from ambient air using solar energy.
Tony Wood

Tony Wood has been Director of the Energy Program since 2011 after 14 years working at Origin Energy in senior executive roles. From 2009 to 2014 he was also Program Director of Clean Energy Projects at the Clinton Foundation, advising governments in the Asia-Pacific region on effective deployment of large-scale, low-emission energy technologies. In 2008, he was seconded to provide an industry perspective to the first Garnaut climate change review. In January 2018, Tony was awarded a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his significant service to conservation and the environment, particularly in the areas of energy policy, climate change and sustainability. In October 2019, Tony was elected as a Fellow to the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.