Webinar Invitation: Updates on solar forecasting and other solar resource work of IEA PVPS Task 16
ISES invites you to join us for the next ISES monthly webinar coming to you on 27 August at 2PM GMT/UTC
Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting remains as a key technology to assure successful solar energy system design and operation.
In this webinar, we will learn about the status of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS) Task 16 titled “Solar Resource for High Penetration and Large Scale Applications”. Jan Remund, the Operating Agent for Task 16, will give a brief update on recent and upcoming Task 16 activities. Then four task participants will provide summaries of work that is being done in the area of solar forecasting. We will hear presentations from Dennis Vandermeer of Uppsala University (Sweden) on their probabilistic forecast model, Lennard Visser of Utrecht University on benchmarking day-ahead forecasts, Patrick Keelin of Clean Power Research (U.S.) on products available from their SolarAnywhere program, and Richard Perez (U.S.), who will discuss “perfect forecasting” and how to achieve solar PV dispatchability in the grid. Dave Renné, Immediate Past President of ISES, will serve as moderator of this webinar.
This webinar will last 1,5 hours and include a Q/A session for the audience. A recording of the webinar as well as the presentations given will be available to ISES members after the webinar via the ISES webinar archive.

About the ISES webinars
ISES organizes monthly webinars and invites all interested members to join (free-of-charge). Focusing on solar energy related topics of high relevance in science, technology development, market and industrial implementation, social issues, training and education our webinars offer something for everyone.
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