New ISES Board of Directors and Executive Committee elected
The International Solar Energy Society is happy to announce that the elections for the new ISES Board of Directors and the new ISES Executive Committee for the term 2020-2021 have been completed.
The Society's two step election process started in September 2019 with the election of the new ISES Executive Committee consisting of the elected positions of ISES President, ISES Vice President, Treasurer and ISES Secretary. Joining the new Executive Committee will also be Dr. Dave Renné as the society’s Immediate Past President.
The ExCo works together and with other Board Members to help shape the future of ISES and lead ISES’ role in the rapid transformation to a renewable energy world.
The new ISES President for the term 2020-2021 will be Prof. Klaus Vajen, Germany:
Professor Klaus Vajen is director of the Institute of Thermal Engineering at the University of Kassel, Germany, where he holds the chair of Solar- and Systems Engineering and furthermore he is distinguished professor of the Technical University of Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek. He holds a PhD in applied physics and is (co-) author of 300+ publications on (solar-) thermal engineering, university education and energy policy. He is founder and director of the MSc-programme "Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency" at the University of Kassel and developed the structured Europe-wide PhD-education on solar thermal technology. Prof. Vajen served as ISES Vice-President for the term 2006/07.
The new ISES Vice President for the term 2020-2021 will be Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar, Turkey:
Dr. Kemal Gani Bayraktar is marketing director of Izocam, with a mechanical engineering background. His interests are mainly focused on energy, renewables, insulation, construction technologies, policy, environment, climate change and low carbon economy. He actively participates in regulatory networks and different NGOs. He is also representing the Republic of Turkey as ExCo Member in the IEA SHC Solar Heating and Cooling Programme.
The ISES Treasurer for the term 2020-2021 will be Geoff Stapleton, Australia:
Geoff Stapleton specialized in solar (PV) energy in the final year of his electrical engineering degree in 1981 and is co-founder of the Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd, GSES, a multi-disciplinary organization specializing in professional engineering and training services across the renewable energy sector. Geoff has been the ISES treasurer since 2018.
The new ISES Secretary for the term 2020-2021 will be Dr. Viktoria Martin, Sweden
Dr. Viktoria Martin is professor in Energy Technology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. A graduate from KTH and the University of Florida, she has pursued a career in international research collaborations within the International Energy Agency as well as the EU, providing insight into a variety of leading research and education arenas. Dr. Martin has over 25 years of experience in education, research and entrepreneurship in the area of sustainable energy with a special focus on thermal energy storage and heat driven heat pump technologies.
Completing the ISES leaderships will be the newly elected members of the ISES Board of Directors. During the weeks of November 2019, the ISES global ISES membership elected the new Board of Directors including representatives for Corporate Members, Young ISES and Member at Large Representatives. The Board of Directors elects the Executive Committee which works closely with the Headquarters-Secretariat to implement the decisions of the Board and carry out the Society's activities.
The following candidates have been elected as new ISES Board Directors:
Corporate Members Representative Candidates (1 seat)
Young ISES Representative Candidates (1 seat)
Member at Large Representatives Candidates (11 seats, in alphabetical order)
Chiel Boonstra, The Netherlands
Michael Eckhart, USA
José González-Aguilar, Spain
Andreas Hauer, Germany
Christine Lins, Austria
Paulette Middleton, USA
Monica Oliphant, Australia
Werner Platzer, Germany
Rabindra Kumar Satpathy, India
Maria Wall, Sweden
Wang Zhifeng, China
Thank you again to everybody participating in this important election and we are very much looking forward to the Board and ExCo members taking office in January 2020!