The global status of renewables - REN21's 2018 global status report
Transformation is picking up speed in the power sector, but urgent action is required in heating, cooling and transport. This year’s Renewables 2018 Global Status Report GSR reveals two realities: one in which a revolution in the power sector is driving rapid change towards a renewable energy future, and another in which the overall transition is not advancing with the speed needed.
In this one hour webinar, Executive Secretary of REN21, Rana Adib will present the latest facts and figures from renewable energy around the world. After her presentation, 30 minutes will be dedicated to audience questions, moderated by ISES Vice President, Prof. Eicke Weber.
Registration for this webinar is free. Register using the link in the right column of this website.
Read more about the REN 21 global status report at: http://www.ren21.net/status-of-renewables/global-status-report/
Rana Adib

Rana Adib is the Executive Secretary of REN21, the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century. REN21 is a global public-private multi-stakeholder network on renewable energy headquartered at the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris/France. Previously, Rana was REN21’s Research Coordinator developing the international expert community and leading the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report series to become an international reference. Prior to REN21 Rana worked in private industry and applied research in the areas of renewable energy, energy access, and waste management. She was also responsible for coordinating the biogas-to-energy research programme of Veolia Environment. Rana holds a Master Degree in industrial engineering from the University of Wedel in Germany. She has over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector.
Prof. Eicke Weber - webinar moderator

Professor Weber is Vice President of ISES and CEO of the Berkeley Alliance for Research in Singapore, BEARS. Till the end of 2016 he was Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and Professor for Physics / Solar Energy at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany. Prof. Weber studied Physics at the University of Cologne, Germany where he made his doctorate in 1976 and his habilitation in 1983. From 1983-2006 he lectured at the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of California, Berkeley - since 1991 as Professor of Materials Science. The topic of Prof. Weber's own research is semiconductor materials science for photovoltaic and microelectronic applications. In 2014, he received the Zayed Future Energy Prize from the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates on behalf of Fraunhofer ISE. In 2015, he was elected president of the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers EUREC. He served as founding president of the German Energy Storage Association BVES (2012-16), and is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering.